Add a character

To specify a character, we need to create an instance of gma.character and assign it to manager.character. We create a character with a position and dimensions:

manager.character = gma.character({
    left     : 0,
    bottom   : 0,
    width    : 3,
    height   : 6,
    depth    : 3

We also need to add gma/entities/character to the dependency list of the require function.

Setting the character spawn location

A spawn point specifies the location where the character to appear. A spawn point is associated with a label inside the level object. When a level is loaded, it will place the character at the spawn point with the label main.

Gamma expects the x and y coordinates of the bottom left corner of the character’s position. This example creates a spawn point labeled main at x=15 and y=24:

var mylevel = {
    spawn : {
        main : [15, 24]


When a level is processed, if it does not have a spawn point with the label main, a spawn point is added with the location [0, 0]

End result

    function(gma) {
        var manager = gma.manager({
            width : 600,
            height : 500
        manager.character = gma.character({
            left     : 0,
            bottom   : 0,
            width    : 3,
            height   : 6,
            depth    : 3

        var myLevel = {
            spawn : {
                main : [15, 24]
            entities : [
                {top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
                {top:0, left:36, width:30, height:3}

What’s next?

In the next section we will learn how to setup controls for the character.