Adding textures

To apply a texture to an entity you must first define a template. As when creating the greencube template (for the enemies), we will use the gma.meshTemplate object to create a rectangular prism. We will assign a brick texture to the material of a new template and assign this template to our platforms:

    templates : {
        brickscube : ['meshTemplate', {
            mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
            material : {texture : 'bricks.jpg'}


For this to work, you will need a file called bricks.jpg in the same folder as your HTML. You can either make your own, or just download ours.

The texture will loop once for every unit of height and width. For our brick texture, however, we want the bricks to be larger. This is achieved by decreasing the amount the texture is looped for every unit using the repeatX and repeatY attributes.

    templates : {
        brickscube : ['meshTemplate', {
            mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
            material : {
                texture : 'bricks.jpg',
                //This will make the bricks double the size
                repeatX : 0.5,
                repeatY : 0.5

You can and should append this new template after the original greencube template. This is shown below in the end result.

Finally, we need to assign this template to the platforms:

var myLevel = {
    entities : [
        {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
        {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:39, width:30, height:3},
        // Enemy specifications removed for clarity

End result

    function(gma) {
        var manager = gma.manager({
            width : 600,
            height : 500
        manager.character = gma.character({
            left     : 0,
            bottom   : 0,
            width    : 3,
            height   : 6,
            depth    : 3
            templates : {
                greencube : ['meshTemplate', {
                    mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
                    material : {color : "#090"}
                brickscube : ['meshTemplate', {
                    mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
                    texture : {

            types : {
                jumpingJack: ['jumpingEnemy', {
                    width    : 1,
                    height   : 2,
                    template : 'greencube'

        var myLevel = {
            spawn : {
                main : [15, 24]
            camera : {
                attached : ['character', 0, 6, 60]
            light : {
                myLight : {
                     type : GLGE.L_POINT,
                     rotY : 1.54,
                     color    : "#fff",
                     attached : ['character', 0,5,20]
            entities : [
                {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
                {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:39, width:30, height:3},
                gma.platformEnemy({bottom:0, left:45, width:3, height:6}),
                gma.patrolEnemy({bottom:0, left:6, width:3, height:6, limitLeft: 3, limitRight:12}),
                {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:0, left:21},
                {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:3, left:24},
                {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:6, left:27}

        gma.keyHandler.register(37, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.LEFT));
        gma.keyHandler.register(39, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.RIGHT));
        gma.keyHandler.register(32, manager.character.jump);


What’s next?

In the next section we will learn how to load a collada model.