Add some polish to your game

Congratualations! You have reached the last part of the tutorial series!

Stop Falling Forever

Currently if you fall off the platform you will fall forever. To stop the character falling infinitely we can put a platform below which will kill the character when fall onto it. Gamma provides the gma.deathPlatform for this purpose. Let’s create one under the main platforms and paint it red:

// Create a deathplatform type
types : {
    lava : ['deathPlatform', {template : 'redcube', depth:50}]
// Add this lava / death platform to the list of entities
entities : [
    {type:'lava', top:-10, left:-50, width:1000, height:50},

Respawn the Character

We will also bind a key to respawn the character (for when it dies). Register the method gma.manager.respawn to be called when the letter ‘r’ (for reload/restart/respawn) is pressed:

gma.keyHandler.register(82, function(e) {

The last Final result

Now that you’ve finished, the game description (game.js) should look very similar to this:

    function(gma) {
        var manager = gma.manager({
            width : 600,
            height : 500
        manager.character = gma.character({
            left     : 0,
            bottom   : 0,
            width    : 3,
            height   : 6,
            depth    : 3,
            template : 'gorilla'
            templates : {
                greencube : ['meshTemplate', {
                    mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
                    material : {color : "#090"}
                gorilla : ['colladaTemplate',
                    collada : {
                        document : 'gorilla.dae'
                    yRot : 1.57,
                    yOffset : -0.5,
                brickscube : ['meshTemplate', {
                    mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
                    texture : {

            types : {
                jumpingJack: ['jumpingEnemy', {
                    width    : 1,
                    height   : 2,
                    template : 'greencube'
                lava : ['deathPlatform', {template : 'redcube', depth:50}]


            bottom_right: {
                fps : manager.getFPS

        var myLevel = {
            spawn : {
                main : [15, 24]
            camera : {
                attached : ['character', 0, 6, 60]
            light : {
                myLight : {
                     type : GLGE.L_POINT,
                     rotY : 1.54,
                     color    : "#fff",
                     attached : ['character', 0,5,20]
            entities : [
                gma.door({bottom:0, left:55, width:0.5, height:9, level:1}),
                {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
                {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:39, width:30, height:3},
                {type:'deathPlatform', top:-10, left:-50, width:1000, height:50, depth:50},
                gma.platformEnemy({bottom:0, left:45, width:3, height:6}),
                gma.patrolEnemy({bottom:0, left:6, width:3, height:6, limitLeft: 3, limitRight:12}),
                {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:0, left:21},
                {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:3, left:24},
                {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:6, left:27}

        var otherLevel = {
            spawn : {
                main : [0, 0]
            camera : {
                attached : ['character', 0, 6, 60]
            light : {
                myLight : {
                     type : GLGE.L_POINT,
                     rotY : 1.54,
                     color    : "#fff",
                     attached : ['character', 0,5,20]
            entities : [
                gma.door({bottom:0, left:25, width:0.5, height:9, level:0}),
                {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
                {type:'deathPlatform', top:-10, left:-50, width:1000, height:50, depth:50}


        gma.keyHandler.register(37, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.LEFT));
        gma.keyHandler.register(39, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.RIGHT));
        gma.keyHandler.register(32, manager.character.jump);
        gma.keyHandler.register(82, function(e) { manager.respawn("main"); })

What Now?

We recommend that you try to make a bigger and funner game whilst you read parts of the Topics section, and if you really want a customised game,