Customise the Camera ==================== Gamma creates a default camera which follows the character's movement and is 50 units in front of the character --- a ``z`` location of 50. To change the camera in your level, you can specify options under the ``camera`` label in the level specification. You can only specify one camera in each level specification. When a camera is specified in your level it will override the default camera provided by Gamma. The following specification is the equivalent of the default camera: .. code-block:: javascript var myLevel = { camera : { locZ : 50, attached : ['character'] } }; Lets specify a camera a little bit further away from the character, but always a bit higher than it: .. code-block:: javascript var myLevel = { camera : { locZ : 60, attached : ['character',0, 6] } }; What's next? ------------ In the next section we will :doc:`learn how to add some lights `.