.. _install: Quick install guide =================== The Gamma Javascript library requires a browser that supports WebGL. The nightly builds of `Firefox `_, `Chromium `_, and `Safari `_ support `WebGL `_. Information about getting a WebGL enabled browser is maintained on the `khronos website `_. Using Gamma ----------- This page will show you how to use the minified version of Gamma. If you need the full source (for debugging) follow the instructions :ref:`to set up a development environment `. OK, let's go: * Create a HTML file with the following text It will be used to load in the necessary JavaScript and CSS. This can be named whatever you want. .. code-block:: html My Awesome Game
* `Download gamma `_ and place the gma-min.js file in the same directory as the HTML file you just created. * Create a JavaScript file that holds the JavaScript that defines and starts your game. We'll call this file ``game.js``. The minimal JavaScript should contain: .. code-block:: javascript require(['gma/base', 'gma/manager'], function(gma) { // The game specification is contained within this function. var manager = gma.manager(); manager.storeLevels({}); manager.init(); } ); .. note:: If you want the game file to be called something else, then make sure to edit the HTML (above) so that it includes the correct file. Look for ````. Now you've setup all that is necessary to create your game. Let's get started with a tutorial :ref:`making a simple game `. Enjoy :D